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Table of Contents
Telethon 2015
Telethon goal announced: 7000.
For auction item details, check telethon.2015.
Telethon results
- 341.00 - initial amount on the board at the beginning of the show.
- 437.00
- 966.00
- 980.00
- 1077.00 - less than half an hour into the show.
- 1517.00
- 1526.00
- 1557.00
- 1762.00
- 1773.00
- 2781.00
- 2934.00
- 3081.00
- 3153.00
- 3402.00
- 3481.00
- 3646.00
- 3838.00
- 3939.00
- 3969.00
- 4030.00 - at the 3 hour mark
- 4068.00
- 4968.00
- 5402.00
- 5525.00
- 5672.00
- 5676.00
- 5705.00
- 5709.00
- 6430.00
- 6460.00
For details about the auctions, supporters and results see: telethon.2015.
- Razz (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Poink offers to slap his penis with a toy if the telethon hits 12,000.00
- Mutt tries to grasp the concept of “deflating farts”.
- Herbie wants to do the sketch with a live cam… and keys in his phone PIN for all to see…
- …and has to update his passcode later. It is still unsure if that relates to him killing YappyFox's coffee maker right after it or not.
Videos shown
- Paw Patrol - excerpt
- The Lion Guard - preview
- Hop does acrobatics
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- The live stream cut out before the end credit song was over
episodes/episode_690.1448244071.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/22 18:01 by Atkelar