Table of Contents
Episode: 700
Airdate: Feb 14, 2016 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Seven! (hundred)
- “Just an Alligator”
- SK-1
- Electronin
- Tony the Tiger (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The cast discusses Deadpool
- The cast discusses tattoo artists
- Tony the Tiger reads Twitter in the subservient bit
- SK-1 plays “Love, Hollywood Style”.
- Voidkat sends in a Sakana Katana special for Mutt in the quotes of the day.
Videos shown
- Chop Kick Panda - Trailer
- Khumba - Trailer
- Sing - Teaser Trailer (several)
- Cool Cat saves the kids - official trailer
- MLG Cat
- Harry Potter and the Noscoper's Stone
- In Between - Animation Short Film
- Monkey Rag
- Why Engagement Rings Are a Scam
- Kopfkirmes - cut short
- Ruthe - Werbeparodien
- OKGO - Upside Down & Insode Out
- Sex and Fun
- This week in history
- Willy Bumbum (gong'd)
- Jungle Book Trailer
- Fox News - Tony Tiger (gong'd second week running)
- Drone Racing
- Impereal Shuttle drone
- Drone Racing indoors
"Last Words" (and Actions)
Excerpts from this episode
episodes/episode_700.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by