Table of Contents
Episode: 710
Airdate: May 15, 2016 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
- Brown Bear1)
Show highlights
- The show opens up with a “political” discussion about regulating fat content in bacon between Ezra, Hugh Manatee, Star, and Bronson's cousin (whose auction goes live during the show)…
- Yappy Fox browses a site about a phobia of holes…
- Disney Infinity and similar game concepts are discussed.
- SK-1 plays “The advertising alphabet” with the cast and audience
- The infamous recent “furry fandom documentary” is discussed
- KuddlePup presents the newest “Ginger” - newest fox pup from the Care Foundation
Videos shown
- creepy grinning dog
- ??? @ 1:40
- AT&T - Now you can dial
- Everything's better with special effects
- Cupcake ATM at Disney
- The “D” in David
- 10 bands you won't believe actually exist
- Top 10 wierdest bands
- Troll vs. rain cloud
- Crazy lady at drive through
- Raccoon with a broom
- The swedish chef throw down to rapper's delight
- The Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody
- Kodachrome Muppets Music Video
- The Country Bears -
The Advertising Alphabet
Starts at around 2:16:30 in the download. The cast had to guess the brand name based on one letter from its logo, in alphabetical order.
- A - American Airlines
- B - Barbie
- C - Tic Tac
- D - Goodyear
- E - Netsle
- F - Funyuns
- G - Walgreens
- H - Hungry Howie's
- I - Tostitos
- J - Ben & Jerry's
- K - Kroger
- L - Long John Silver's
- M - Mariott
- N - Nilla wafers
- O - Olive Garden
- P - Pop Tarts
- Q - Quaker oats
- R - Rolling Rock
- S - Nos
- T - Tivo
- U - 7 Up
- V - Visa
- W - Lowe's
- X - Lexus
- Y - Wendy's
- Z - Heinz
Last words (and actions)
- Mutt hangs himself.
SK-1's new character
episodes/episode_710.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by