Table of Contents
Episode: 718
Airdate: Aug 14, 2016 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Back from MP
- Yippee Coyote (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Poink talks about his recent try to get his body replaced. It involves an old lady that is now scarred for life!
- Mutt brings up fish poop…
- Movie talk: Sausage Party
- A Wonder Dog video becomes an overly long gag during the show's second half…
- Yippee Coyote plays Are you smarter than K.P., which now got an official logo from Orlando Fox
- SK-1 brings up another birthday list, which coins the phrase: “That's Madonna?!” as a running gag
Videos shown
- Sugar frosted tiger chomps commercial
- Mutt and Wolfdog at the park
what park?
- Megaplex Montage
- In Memoriam
- Megaplex 16 Fursuit Parade
- Fursuiters & Explosion?
- Glove and Boots: Product testing…
- Pet Chat
- Coca Cola Orlando Eye commercial
- Funny animal videos compilation
- Wonder Dog - Ruff mix 1982
- Acid Flashback: Episode 6, featuring Yippee Coyote
- Monster Truck official Trailer
- UKW - Ich will 1982
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh plays around with the copyright notice on the bottom of the screen.
episodes/episode_718.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by