Table of Contents
Episode: 73
Airdate: Apr 22, 2001 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]
Rebroadcast: April 27, 2009
Salute to 1973
Show Highlights
- Nair, the Canadian moose from Schotland with the Russian accent, is introduced.
- According to Mutt, a Canadian TV station is rebroadcasting the show…
- …and is trying to get the call-in number out.
- …so “1-800-FP-SHOW” is put up during a musical performance (closely followed by “Just kidding…”)
- Trendane tells a story about going swimming
- Mutt keeps having trouble with Pawpetssssssss Wesssssssst…
- Simba keeps playing with the new Video Toaster
- Then & Thenner - “Jungle Boogie” (Original and TMNT movie versions)
- Mutt wants to dissect an Etch-a-Sketch
name @2:06:00? calls in and plays “Win nothing and like it”
- Simba plugs the website of the creator of “Zarcon the Alien” http://www.blackout.com
- A special performance of the Cookie Monster song ends with multiple (and quite funny) fails
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Jungle Boogie - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: Leroy Brown - Pawpets West
- Michael Jackson - Speed Demon
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Circular Saw - Teebertiger
- Zarcon the Alien: He's attacked by a real life ferret
- Zarcon the Alien: talks about his untraceable pobox
- Zarcon the Alien: talks about his evilality as he is attacked by a real life kitty
- Pawpet Music Video: Love Train - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: Midnight Train to Georgia - Pawpets West (re-run)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Video Toaster Effects!
episodes/episode_73.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by