Table of Contents
Episode: 730
Airdate: Nov 27, 2016 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Anniversary Show
bird character 02:21 (Star)
Show Highlights
- Star shows off a Japanese panchinko machine
- Movie talk: Maona
- Mutt puts on a gasmask
- Yappy Fox] plays a few gross out videos
- Herbie finds a way of showing his travel photos
Videos shown
- Ingrown hair
- Top 10 black friday sales incidents
- Black Friday fight
- Nick and Judy at the naturalist club comic pan
- Turkey recipe in “Rube Goldberg style”
- Nintendo Smash Bros ad
?? 2:03
- Russian mascot video (18+!)
- Roofus answers “What's the first record you ever bought?”
- Bucktown Tiger - Animals
- Tony Tiger commercial spoof
- e-cig exploding
- LiPo battery on fire
- Various Litium batteries catching fire
- Fat Boys + Beach boys - Wipeout
- Fat Boys - Twist
- Beat Boxing
"Last Words" (and Actions)
episodes/episode_730.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by