Table of Contents
Episode: 734
Airdate: Jan 15, 2017 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]PBN 2017
cast of Trans European…show
- Recherei
- ToxicApple
- Cave
PBN - Segments
- The Trans-European Happy For Living Sunday Show
- Scream Guy's Scary Stuff
- PBN News
- Poke-a-Man Gay
- Party-Stopper: Bottled Yappy Farts
- Doga the Explorer
- As seen on TV: Pretty Paper
- The Church of the Ordained Judy
- PBN Sing
- Judge Mutt
NOTE: Most of the individual segments from this year's show have been uploaded to YouTube.
Show Highlights
- Mutt tries caviar… deluxe Spits or Swallows in a way
- Cave and ToxicApple get interviewed
Videos shown
- 10 creepy vintage videos
- 36 hour sialis commercial
- Viagra commercial
: Title Facerig animations?
- Buster Rhymes
- The real cute Raini
- OMGPAWPETS News: Faboo
- Bronson the bear prefers wild blueberries
- Crow mascot beatdown
- Scary mascots
- Top 5 forgotten animatronics
"Last Words" (and Actions)
episodes/episode_734.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by