Table of Contents
Episode: 743
Airdate: Apr 23, 2017 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Blast From the Past
NOTE: This was Star's final show as a regular cast member.
Show Highlights
- Movie Talk: Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy II
- Hugh Manatee raps! And he rocks! @1:40
- Yappy Fox plays a top list of “one hit wonders”
- Star took a slight overdose of laxatives and had a blast
- Garrison Skunk appears in the furstream chat channel
Videos shown
- Polar Bear wipeout
- Polar Bear wipeout documentary/interview
- Coca Cola bear
- Funny Mascot accidents
- Beep Beep I'm Sheep
- 20 Impressions of singers
- Everybody do the flop!
- Yoda sings?
title? @ 0:54
- Where is Garrison?
- Music Video: Trio - Da Da Da
- Bionics “expert” Iron Man
- Ice cream Trucks
- “Disturbing Animal Video shown to students” - including a Yappy Fox logo
- Star Wars - The Last Jedi trailer
- Crazy Russian Hacker - MREs
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Too much cheese! The pain!” hangs himself
episodes/episode_743.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by