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Table of Contents
...it restarts!
- Mongoo (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The cast tries to find themselves and their usual props…
- Rummage tries to explain music licensing and why the show is now doing with just royalty free music.
- Kuddlepup talks about his health issues and how FPS helps him cope.
- JackRabbit tells about not recognizing Mach in an elevator…
- Rummage tells about disposing a matrass
- JohnnyMantis forgot what to do… STRIKE!
- The new “PawTweet” is created: Dial in to “YAK2PAWPET” and leave a 10 second voice message. No more!
- BronsonVanDerBear reads some of the worst product names/slogans
- YappyFox retells the story about the 9/11 episode.
- The cast remembers their experience with the 9/11 events.
- The cast throws around ideas for new closing songs…
Videos shown
- Acid Flashback: NASA talk about MAGs
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Bronson “Next week, OH Pawpet in this timeslot, tune in!”
- everybody “Good night!”(or similar)
episodes/episode_757.1536544854.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/09 19:00 by Atkelar