Table of Contents
Episode: 793
Airdate: May 24, 2020 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Still distancing
Show Highlights
- Movie-Talk: Scoob!
- COVID-Talk: Theme parks and hair stylists.
- Yappy Fox shows off some VR Chat
- YappFox presents ppw.pawpet.org - an archive site for PawPets West.
- Poink reads out a list of stores that are about to close
- JD Pup and DanteeWolf call in and promote their https://www.fuzzylogicescaperoom.com/ site, a (now virtual) escape room
- The cast talks about their driving test experiences in light of some state(s) dropping them.
Videos Shown
- Karen Apocalypse
- … and several similar reddit videos
- Duck feeding with JR
- Atkelar: Build #4 - Lost Treasure
- Pawpets West: Bad Touch
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Simba: “Enjoy!”
- JR: “Always a pleasure!”
episodes/episode_793.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by