Table of Contents
Episode: 795
Airdate: Jun 07, 2020 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The Reunion Show
(Virtual) Guests
- Scurrow
- Oni Kidou
Show Highlights
- The main cast meets back at Yappy's again, with only JackRabbit calling in, like before the lockdown.
- The new design of “Toucan Sam” prompts quite a few “WTF”s
- Scurrow calls in and gets interviewed
- Oni Kidou calls in and talks about hypnotism
- Movie Talk: What movie did you walk out of?
Videos Shown
- Oni Kidou - Greetings from VR Chat, Hypnosis demo
- Atkelar - Restoration Project #14 - Commodore PC-I
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink - “And we're outta here!”
- Simba - “Not yet!”
- Poink - “We're still on screen!”
episodes/episode_795.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/11 15:15 by Donovan Wesner