Table of Contents
Episode: 802
Airdate: Oct 04, 2020 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Multi Birthday!
Show Highlights
- There are multiple birthdays in October: Simba, JackRabbit, KuddlePup and Atkelar - so this episode is declared the birthday show
- Ezra has a fart incident while not social distancing…
- …while Mutt provided “ambience” to a haunted house
- VR-Chat: Firr, ZenFetcher, Willmofield and Silfur play “what's your's like?”
- VR-Chat: Animal Crossing world explored
- Poink notices the typo in the credits… “Point”… while nobody realizes that Simba is missing entirely…
Videos Shown
- Atkelar - Repair Project: Tractor Oil Check - Part 3
- Oni Kidou - virtual gun range…?
actual title/URL?
- Zoophobia - Bad Luck Jack
"Last Words" (and Actions)
__Mutt, Crappy, Ezra and Rummage__ * everybody: "bye, bye...bye!!!"
episodes/episode_802.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by