Table of Contents
Episode: 813
Airdate: Mar 07, 2021 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]VR living room v2
- RickB 2)
- Miles Gnoll 3)
- Furdemon 4)
- FunrirWoulfe 5)
- Rhinowolf 6)
- Silfur 7)
- Wheelieotter 8)
- CCritt93 9)
- Dynamite34 10)
- PedigreeDaHusky 11)
- Loceck 12)
- KenariTheYote 13)
- Sighotter 14)
- FoxyRainbowz 15)
- Raytail 16)
- GRNdragon 17)
- Firr 18)
- Fooma 19)
- Vanntheotter 20)
- Thea-FX 21)
- max thunderpaw 22)
- Ian-exe 23)
- Hase 24)
- Andromeda_NF 25)
- Byte Tupoino 26)
- Zalno 27)
- Kipper_snax 28)
- Titus101 29)
- Kzin_tiger 30)
- Jedders 31)
- Shurun 32)
- ShawnSkunk 33)
- Ron Overdrive 34)
- George 35)
- Draconia 36)
- thesweetiger 37)
- speedybaby 38)
- AJSpeedy544 39)
- Texelsaur 40)
- eligecos 41)
Show Highlights
- Mutt get the news that the city of F[cencored]ing, Austria is no more, it got a new name Fugging
- The first tweet is for sale and it's currently at $2,5Mill - How do you get to own a tweet?
- Due to a server chrash Yappy had to remake the VR living room
- KP got a new job, it's quite a learning curve
- Mutts phone can now be plugged into the show
- Yappy has been rebuilding the show - new tech arrived
- Discussion about complaints on twitter about cons cancelling and cons not cancelling
- The cast discus health or the lack thereof
- RickB gets interviewed about his VRChat cosplay 42)
- Movie talk
- Atkelar shows a picture of an Austrian dish called Beuschel - food fit for human consumption?
- Loreck gets interviewed
- Some guests in the VR living room gets to ask magic 8-ball
- Never have I ever with the VR living room
- Q&A with the VR living room
- Iron Artist (challenge) with the VR living room
- Poink - “on this day in history”
- Poink - “Name that toon”
- Tycoon got a new dog, Lilo - a shiba inu
- The show now has a panel that show Yappy the power usage - it only draws 8Amps (960W)
- KP quiz of the night
- What are your plans for the week?
Videos Shown
- Chris Hansen - “You're watching pawpets”
- Atkelar - Restoration Project: SR-11 X/Y Plotter 43)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh - “Bye Java”
- Java - “Bye, bye”
01:03:32 - JR Action figure
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Atkelar: This is inception; a furry playing VRChat vearing a fursuit, wearing a cosplay.
episodes/episode_813.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by