Table of Contents
Episode: 87
Airdate: Aug 05, 2001 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Salute to 1987
Show Highlights
- A package from Garrison Skunk arrives a bit late for the Christmas in July episode…
- …and Todd gets stuck several times in and on the wrapping as he claims the toys are all his.
- JackRabbit does the roll call
- Movie Talk: Planet of the Apes
- Uncle Kage calls in and talks about Gus Gutts and convention trouble - including elevators and diaper conventions
- Arthur gets molested by a voop (
Melody?) @ 54:30
- Pubescent Jessica (See Baby Jessica) calls in and talks about her experience with wells
- We can see a picture that was done for Uncle Kage, showing him reading a story to little critters
- Stargazer calls in and plays “think fast”
- Top Ten: Things that freak out Java
- Yappy Fox plays “Whistle Stop”
- Trendane calls in and gives us the word of the week: “Commodious”
- Weird and Weirder: “Bad” vs. “Fat”
- Gus Guts eats a ferret
- Yappy moons the puppet (back)stage
who? @ 3:23 calls in and plays “Win nothig and like it”
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Addicted to love - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: Animal - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: Nothinh's gonna stop us now - Pawpets North Coast
- Pawpet Music Video: Walk like an Egyptian - Pawpets North Coast
- Pawpet Music Video: La Bamba - Pawpets West
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- The screen goes to black… and THEN the credits roll.
episodes/episode_87.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by