Table of Contents
Episode: 89
Airdate: Aug 19, 2001 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Yappy Gets A Kidney Stone
- Rieshal
- Han
- MegaWolf
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox got a kidney stone the previous Monday
- Garrison redraws the logo as Kidney Pawpet Show
- Mutt talks about the Emergency Room trip
- Mutt explains the term 'Coonerizing'
- Mutt mentions words that “…we can no longer use on the air”: Poot!
- Garrison sends in kidney stone related drawing that everybody
- Poink is officially introduced to the show
- Top 10 Other Things Found in Yappy Fox
- Uncle Kage Calls in and explains about kidney stones and the pain involved
- MegaWolf brings a Hellrasier box and is later interviewed on TolietCam.
- TolietCam introduced (Complete with 'little sleeping fox that scares the crap out of everyone who uses it')
- SK-1 calls in to host “Who Wants to Win Nothing and Like It?” with Han on TolietCam
- Tuninator
- Athius
name? calls in and plays Kidney stone match game
- Yappy Fox had too much time in the ER and now owns some stick on electrodes…
- Trendane calls in and gives us the word of the week: Ossify
- 2 Gryphon rants about 80s nostalgia
- Movie Talk: The Others
- Auction for an autographed Funday T-Shirt closes at $201.56 by TJ Wolf
- We learn that Mach hates Mr. Bean
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: What I like about you - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: Love Shack - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: Don't wanna lose you - Pawpets North Coast
- Pawpet Music Video: We didn't start the fire - Pawpets West
"Last Words"
- Everyone: “What what what….Heyyyyyyyyyy”
episodes/episode_89.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by