Table of Contents
Episode: 96
Airdate: Oct 14, 2001 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Saturday Morning Show
- Patch from Pawpets West
- Findra
- John Bolton
sp? @3:41:00
Show Highlights
- Raini brings in a naked, bottomless Barbie
- The channel plays “What's in Yappy's pants”
- “What was your favorite Saturday morning show?”
- There's a line up of characters with prehensile tongues: Randy Fox, Mini Randy, a giraffe and a lion.
- Randy Fox tries to sing “it's a small world” but fails at the lyrics
- Grandma Kage calls in and plays “Win nothing and like it”
- Findra
sp? gets interviewed by Poink
- Poink tells the story about how he got lost at the Orlando airport, not only once, but five times!
- Trendane calls in and gives us the word of the week: Inchoate
- Fun with green screen
- Bea Arthur whishes JackRabbit a happy birthday.
Videos shown
- Sonovovitch video excerpt form “Road Rovers”
- Pawpet Music Video: It's in his kiss - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: My Man - Pawpets North Coast1)
- Pawpet Music Video: This is Ponderous - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: 500 Miles - Pawpets West
- Hong Kong Phooey flash animation
- Zarlac
sp? and the ferret
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Soundbite “Hmmmmm… forbidden donut!”
including a picture of Randy Fox with his tongue
episodes/episode_96.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by