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Mutt Barker

A fun loving, hyperactive, adrenaline-junkie sheepdog who's been around since he and his buddy Yappy started the show back in 1999. When performing, he has the tendency to ham it up and act outrageous, but he really never has a bad word to say about anyone. He's the Master of Ceremonies of the Pawpet Show, and often opens and closes it with a bang. He always aspired to be a game show host, and had to settle for being a public access TV program host. Mutt's best friend is Herbie, a talented animator.


Mutt was born in the red light district of Amsterdam, Holland. His parents were owned by the designers of roller coasters. When he was young, he dreamed of going to the United States to make it big as a TV game show host. He jumped a ship to the states and got a job broadcasting but was fired from parts like a stunt double in “Shaggy D.A.” and the broadway version of “Annie” because of his outspoken and misunderstood big mouth. Heartbroken manically depressed and mentally unstable he vowed never to talk again and walk all the way to Florida to die in the heat. That's when he was rescured by Fuzzle the Ferret and a team of furry critters who could also speak and were dreaming of breaking into the internet entertainment. “Who would watch such a talking dog?” he said. Fuzzle replied: “Perhaps the group of people who call themselfs 'furry'!” It was a non paying job but it did feed him Krystal burgers once a week. It's not exactly a gameshow host, but at least his dream of hosting a show has finally come true.1)

Note: Bio as read by Scritch on Episode 33
mutt.1464058676.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/23 19:57 by Yappy Fox

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