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The Tuninator is a recurring musical segment with audience participation. A cast member selects two musical numbers. Typically it is done Yappy Fox although there's been a tuninator crafted by JackRabbit as well.

The selection rules for the tunes are: The same band or performer and both songs had to be in the top 40s at some point.

As the songs are played, the channel audience can terminate one of the songs early (“kill”) but has to endure the other in it's entirety. Killing is done by typing out the correctly spelled full name of the artist and the song in the channel.

As the audience has no idea of the second song, killing the first one is a game of chance… will the second song be better than the first one? Or - more often - be worse?

tuninator.1328494859.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/13 10:39 (external edit)

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