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Table of Contents
Deletions or Renames
Why is this page here?
See the Removing Articles section in the Style Guide for an explanation.
How does the discussion work?
When you come across a page that you think should be renamed, moved or deleted you can add a new entry below. Note that the moderators will un-do all page renames or removals that did not go through a discussion first1)! Also, be sure to put a note into the page in question. You can use this text here as a template to insert at the beginning of the page in question:
This page is currently discussed on [[wiki:Deletions or Renames]].
Most recent renames
- Löwenbräu - changed back the name to fix the wiki-links no page referenced the new name anyway (searched for “löwenbräu” to validate) - Atkelar
List of pages currently discussed
Sample Page
Mar. 7, 2009
Sample Page needs to be renamed/removed/moved becuase…!
Yappy of course has the righter way here
wiki/deletions_or_renames.1282758510.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/05/10 18:11 (external edit)