Tonight starts in the Chaos Lounge with a sound issue
HellDoradoLion has offered to do BG Music
Mutt: Did we do a show last week?
Talk about (rock) musicians
Talk about age and “The Golden Girls”
9/11 was yesterday
“Multiple choice game” with the Chaos Lounge
Fred_Bedderhead's VR avatar freaks out Mutt
the Mc-what?
Do you remember pay phones?
Rocky Horror night screenings at Universal
Old TV show talk
Mutt wants the Saturday morning cartoons back
Poink and Mutt talks about “what if?” - Yappy is bored
Poink had an unexpected meeting with a tree
Tau of the sun gets interviewed
Your favorite accent?
Anime and the culture in Japan
Thea-FX gets interviewed
Check in with the OhPawpets show
Cliff Husky gets interviewed
Yappy got a side effect from new medication - altered sounds
How do you sound to yourself?
What's the worst pizza you've ever had?
The worst frozen pizza?
The best pizza?
Worse search function - Telegram or Discord?
If the show moves to a new streaming service without a chat - do we move the chat back to
How does the furcon landscape look?