It's Halloween - costume time!
KP tells the rules for a new game called “On the Spot”
…and test it on Mutt
Update on Sibir Lupus, things are much better
KP watched a horror movie that creeped him out
“On the Spot” Toxxie
Ezra got new doggles
Names of phobias are read for everyone to have a guess at what it is.
Mutt tells about what he gives out for Halloween
KP and Mutt does math on candy-collection
“On the Spot” Mutt
Closetfox auditions for cast-membership in the show
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
“Multiple choice game” with the Chaos Lounge - Halloween edition
ScreamGuy visits
… and Toxxie ends up in the Chains of Hell rack
Creepy and ClosetShep lists all the bad things Toxxie has done
Torture requests for Toxxie from the Discord
Is it the right Toxxie that has been through Hell?
Yappy reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
“A or B” with the Chaos Lounge - Halloween edition
KP and Boots! exchange some jokes
The Chaos Lounge painted some pumpkins
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
Shy Matsi is starting a con in the New Jersey area
Autumn leaves, have you been out seeing them?
The Powerball lottery now has a price of more then a billion $US (