Table of Contents
Episode: 884
Airdate: Nov 06, 2022 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]A room with a Roo
- Lion (00:02:00 - Mutt name?)
- Ferret (00:24:00 - Yappy name?)
- Dragon (00:33:00 - Yappy name?)
- Simba (VRChat only)
- John Wallaby/Glitch 1)
- Fred_Bedderhead 2)
- AzureLupine 3)
- [cyberiad] Phoenix 4)
- bungeeskunk 5)
- Closetfox 6)
- Batman223344556677 7)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 8)
- Shortcake21 9)
- Timothy Wolf 10)
- Shizuka the Fox 11)
- Fooma 12)
- Silfur 13)
- Chenall 14)
- Shi-nyde 15)
- Ross_Husky 16)
- DAG-XR 17)
- SmellyYeen 18)
- CCritt93 19)
- Shadow-D-Husky 20)
- SweTigerWolf4 21)
- Coastr 22)
- RC-Bif 23)
- CraftyCorvid 24)
- Furdemon 25)
- inari gshepherd 26)
- Reo Grayfox 27)
- Kasqwuid 28)
- pepogen 29)
- StrwrzIV 30)
- Kzin_tiger 31)
- dashingfoxie 32)
- Kitt3ns 33)
- PapaBearKoda 34)
- BakaniSnowpaw 35)
- Kastilo 36)
- BemaniTiger 37)
- AnthroFurry 38)
- Shymatsi 39)
- Mark Unread 40)
- flotts 41)
- xTosca 42)
- The Ploopster 43)
- John R Hall 44)
- SammyBigBear 45)
- Yarrick 46)
- Dr. Infinity 47)
- Baloobear86 48)
- Corthewolf 49)
- Roxikat 50)
- vrtogo 51)
- Boots! 52)
- Envy_Txa 53)
- Michel Mephit 54)
- Aaron8181 55)
- MixelsFan2021 56)
- applehoss 57)
- FurryRomo 58)
Show Highlights
- Poink finally got his AC fixed
- Toxxie is fighting VRChat
- Tonights guest is John Wallaby
- It's almost exactly a year since Toxxie was last in VRChat
- Mutt and Toxxies Halloween thing was a success - There's a video
- Halloween is over so the Chaos Lounge now has a Christmas theme
- Has flat-earthers just played too much Minecraft?
- John Wallaby reads a flat-earth story
- Are flat-earthers just really stupid or great at trolling?
- “Would you Rather” with the Chaos Lounge
- Subservient John Wallaby
- “Game of things” with the Chaos Lounge
- The owner of Poinks apartment had “repairs” done
- “Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
- Due to a technical glitch Toxxie gets the voice of Good Toxxie
- Food talk
- Morning Radio in the Chaos Lounge
- Mutt reads jokes from Discord
- Subservient Glitch
- John Wallaby/Glitch gets interviewed
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- Yappy reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- Talk about New Years and drinks
- Which con reg system is the least bad one?
- There's a new furcon in Las Vegas - OrlandoFox is guest of honor
Videos Shown
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- John Wallaby - “Hopefully it won't take me 90…”
Live in studio - https://twitter.com/johnwallaby
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episodes/episode_884.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/07 10:07 by Jake