The show starts without sound and in the dark - it's the fault of a piece of software, and not Mutt for a change
In one minute flat, the topic changes to bathroom-activities
It is now possible for viewers in the twitch chat to throw things at the camera in the lounge - it works sorta
Some of the cast went to a Cirque du Soleil show with the K-mom
Simba went to “Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens”
Toxxie and Mutt went to Universal Studios
KP and Yappy isn't impressed about how Mutt keeps his house
Fooma & KP went to a medieval fair
Simba suggests replacing the door jam(b) with door jelly
KP & Simba found a new place called “Jollibee” they make pies, amongst other things
Toxxie is now bonked remotely in the Chaos Lounge
Poink updated his VR setup
Disney trivia with KP
A video sparks a discussion about old boardgames
McGuffin disguises as a leggyboy
Brian Holmes and Fooma might come visit the show in April
Mutt discovered what happens when you press on an LCD screen
Due to a technical glitch the automation thought the show was on yesterday and told everyone so
JR tells about the one time he arrived at Yappys, and nobody had told him the show was off
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
The Chaos Lounge sings some Disney song snippets
Where is the line for words to say on the show? - the line is a bit blurry
Talk about the new movie “Everything Everywhere All at Once”
Mutt tells about an Oscars list made in Discord
Porch pirate box with books from Scorch?
KP reads some titles of books from Scorch
KP talks about new commissions he has made
WalmartFox makes an appearance
Toxxie is Mutts charity
KP's tips for cheap eating
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
The Chaos Lounge & Yappys avatar is now quest compatible
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 3
Recherei gets interviewed
Yappy has ordered a ticket for Anthrocon
Does Poink have a thing for Oni, or is it just pink critters?
Eurofurence is changing dates and venue, so that might be a possibility too (depending on where and when)
The cast wishes the Eurofurence team best of luck with the changes