The show starts off with a really hot mic on Simba
Talk about jobs (Poink got a new one, he doesn't like it)
Food talk
Mutt looks at the pawpet election polls
It's been a while since Mutt, Yappy & KP was in VR
More Scorch stuff
If you have made AI music - please make a video for it
Is the animation bigger or smaller? … or the same size?
the “Mega Millions lottery” is now over $1 billion, and the “Powerball lottery” is over $800 million
“CCritt's Furry card sharks” with the Chaos Lounge
KP has the Chaos Lounge make a Music video on the spot
More playing with the AI-music generator
Mutt looks in the Cons&Furmeets part of the discord
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
Simba fired up some ISDN gear recently … just because
Mutt is starting to look after a new car
A look at the AI-images
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 3 (reverse directon)
Any plans for Easter?
Mutt can now have ideas of gradual brightness