Today is Fathers Day
Update on JR's new job - It's OK - And a big thanks to Simba for making it happen
“they don't suck” is a glowing endorsement from the LockPickingLawyer
It's Foomas Birthday
And if it has passed anyone's attention - it's hot in Florida
There will not be a show on the 4th July weekend
Next week is “Halfway to the holidays show”
KP got pooped on by a bird
The Pawpet song as AI bossa nova (and a couple of other styles)
New item on the menu: Birthday-cake - mint chocolate ice cream - mix
Simba, now with a beard
Yappy makes the video mixer do … things
An interview with Ajax_Wolfaroo brings up DunkAroos
“Jump the hurdles” with the Chaos Lounge
Movie news with Poink
KP reads a book
Talk about AI
At the moment Toxxies job is good; he likes it, and they like him
Job talk
“Funbot” get asked some questions
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
Yappy reads a book - about farts
Fooma gets interviewed
“Where do you stand? - Ferret224” with the Chaos Lounge
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
A look in the AI art-jams
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
“Would you Rather” with the Chaos Lounge