Table of Contents
Episode: 101
Airdate: Nov 18, 2001 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Thanksgiving 2001
- Some unnamed voops
Show Highlights
- The show intro features some artwork “Yappy Pooter and the Kidney's Stone” and a Sesame street “big bird” dinner amongst them
- Movie talk: Harry Potter
- JackRabbit gets a lightning scar painted on the forhead…
- Todd's top 10: reasons to be thankful
- Java is thankful for the Pear and Variety Frog
- The cast plays “What the Hell did you just put in my mouth?!” with the “every flavor beans”
- Judy Folkmanis calls in
- Devin-Magic
who? calls in and plays “Win nothing and like it”
- Mutt realizes that he can blink his eyes
- Movie talk: Star Trek, Harry Potter, Time Machine, Scooby Doo…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Sesame Sreet Thanksgiving dinner - with Big Bird on the plate
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Highway to Hell - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Pawpet Music Video: The Gnome - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Video: A Poem (who are you?) - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Pawpet Music Video: You're pretty when I'm drunk - Pawpets West
- Revenge of the Jedi trailer - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Podrace Overture - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Movies at Punkin' Center - Pawpets North Coast
- Pawpet Video: A Poem (her eyes?) - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Pawpet Music Video: Dead Skunk - Pawpets West
- Good vs. Evil - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Timberwolf: A call to Harms
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Soundbite “They may be years ahead of the human race but we got one thing they haven't: bloody mindedness. It built this planet!”
episodes/episode_101.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by