Table of Contents
Episode: 143
Airdate: Oct 13, 2002 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]JR & KP's Bday
- GracesWolf
Show Highlights
- Rasvar is angry because the Jaguars lost again.
- Poink gets “the clap”… he is interecting with a clapper board
- Ezra reads the “Weekly World News”, with the highlight of “LifeGem” that prompts a discussion about “How would you want to go?”
- Spits or Swallows: Jarritos
- Rummage tells about a failed harddrive… with a year old backup.
- Scream Guy sings… with both hands!
- Kuddlepup learns that there is a message from Scooby Doo on his answering machine
- Scream Guy and
Pet? scare each other
- Nair calls in and gives us the Word of the Week: “Frisson”
- Mutt wonders about different toilets around the world…
- Simba notes he finally finished the Brick of Poptarts GarrisonSkunk gave him for Xmas in July during Episode 132.
- Poink comes up with a new line for the “L-Y” song: “You just went to the store/and you just picked up a whore/what is the name of the lube you need to buy? KkkkkkkkkkY…..KkkkkkkkkkY. Kkkkkkkkkk….KY.” An unimpressed Arthur says, “Noooooot Quiiiiiiiite, Nooooot Quiiiiiite, Noooooot….Not Quite.”
- Doodles says Poink cut off the rating's genitalia.
- The cast goes nuts to Benny Hill music…
- Poink tries to play a tune on the “Pawpetphone” but loses the hammer on the first hit, so he proceeds to throw the pawpets off stage instead
- Rasvar tries to show what happened during the Benny Hill skit and throws the hammer at Poink but hits JackRabbit right between the eyes, who poots
- GracesWolf gets interviewed.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Art Jam: Poink's upcoming and Ezra's recent birthday
- Caption Photo: A furless cat sitting up, looking like its scratching its privates.
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Back Porch - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: Blame it on the bossa nova - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: When You're Evil - PawPet Monterey Bay
- Pawpet Music Video: We want a rock - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: The silent-e song - Pawpet Monterey Bay
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Soundbite “(Cartoon chomp sound) Yooooooowch!”
episodes/episode_143.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by