Table of Contents
Episode: 155
Airdate: Jan 26, 2003 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Live from FC 2003
Pawpets West squirrels
- Generic Ferret
name? Nick? Bunny on stage @2:44:00
- Pawpets West
- Babs Bunny
verify Aeto
old friend of Yappy's with a thing for vegetables
- The live audience at FC 2003
- AkeaKame
- PunkTiger
missed names?
Show Highlights
- During the introduction of the show the video goes yellow and there's a bit missing of the recording since Ezra continues…
- …mid story about their flight. Since the download ends ten minutes early, this could easily be the missing time frame here.
- A stormtrooper walks up several times to pet the cast
- “Who is in Poink's pants”:
name? finds UncleKage
- Babs Bunny does the roll call and reads Yappy Fox as “farty dude”
- Misread names
- Ezra mentions the 911 chicken wing challenge
- Spits or swallows: Chinese candy
- “Who is in Poink's pants”:
name? finds Jim Groat
- “Who is in Poink's pants”:
verify? Aeto finds Chairo
- After “The woman song” is performed by Pawpets West and Bambi, we have duelling seals going “Ork Ork Ork”
- Nair pops up and changes voice with the hat he's wearing.
- Nair's word of the day: Cambian
- Poink gets put back into the box for his trip home
- Rasvar tries to get the closing song to work while everybody on stage is almost falling over due to the long wait
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Poink's journey in the box
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Yappy reading the musical credits
episodes/episode_155.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by