Table of Contents
Episode: 156
Airdate: Feb 09, 2003 [Download] [Artjams and other files ](www.)pokitfox.cute
name? AstorFox or AfterFox
- PokitFox (Interviewed with first hints of subservience)
Show Highlights
- The cast returns from FC.
- Rummage wonders what the white strips in the background are…
- Mutt announces the “JackAss show” which - as of Februar 2011 - still hasn't happened.
- Todd explains the “trading cards” he got while visiting Vegas
- PokitFox announces that he will be at MegaPlex
- Gyro calls in and hands over to Nigel, the layed back navigator
- Rummage tells about a weired incident involving a recorded show with Mach, JackRabbit and a microphone.
- Name that toon
- Spits or swallows: Carrot Juice, Durian Cake! JackRabbit took some… gentle nudging.
who? from Slick Idiot calls in
- PokitFox and Chuckles play charades… (Hulk and Pink Flamingos)
- The Michael Jackson case is discussed
- Rummage is all for XM Radio
- Rasvar gets a bit ticked off at all the comments about the low contrast of this episode.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: PokitFox with Crazy FC lady.
- The most amazing thing PokitFox can do
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Dangerzone - PawPet SouthWest
- Toxic Audio - preview
- Pawpet Music Video: Life in the fast lane - PawPets West
- Ozark's Opinion #1: Names - COPA
- Pawpet Music Video: Battle of Kookamonga - PawPets West
- Fluff and Such: I'm with you
- Pawpet Music Video: Sweet Dreams - Pawpets West
- Drug report - Pawpets Monterey Bay
- Matrix trailer, southpark style - Pawpets Rocky Mountain
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “Miller time! Bitch!”
- Simba “Geez.”
episodes/episode_156.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by