Table of Contents
Episode: 199
Airdate: Feb 08, 2004 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
Show Highlights
- Last Episode to feature the old countdown intro witht the content warning
- Rasvar plays around with some light sabres
- Ezra and Crappy Doo exercise with the board on stage
(Rasvar or Yappy?) show their breast on show and causes a camera outage
- Bitch Voop sings some songs
- Movie talk: TLK 1 1/2
- Spits or swallows: weired soft drinks and pickled okra
- JackRabbit flees to the bathroom… after seeing the okra in the sink
- The cast talks about their experiences at a casino… and Ezra gives the advise: “Find a drunk woman and do what she does!”
- Tuninator
- After discussing radio DJs of the generations, Bitch Voop sings “Will you still love me tomorrow” (
real title) to Ezra
- Rasvar has to reset the MPEG encoder as it locks up when there's a still image up for too long…
- Ezra performs to 2 Gryphon's pawpet song
- Yappy Fox announces to go to FWA and the Episode 200 is going to be postponed until the week after.
- Rummage announces that he's about to sell “used tapes” on e-bay soon.
- The copyright notice reads “2003” still.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Green car turned into a boat
- Pawpet halftime show
Videos shown
- Kaiju big battel: Soup can / Sandwich
- Kaiju big battel: Yatty leaves and… whatever…
- Kaiju big battel: Dust Bunny…
- Pawpet Music Video: “Yakko's Universe” - PawPet Monterey Bay
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “This has been a Bill Goodman/Mike Eisner production!”
- Ezra “Some day we gonna change that copyright date!”
episodes/episode_199.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by