Table of Contents
Episode: 218
Airdate: Aug 08, 2004 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
Show Highlights
- Uncle Kage sees the “Ding Fries are Done” video by Fluff and Such for the first time
- Top grossing movies of all time
- Herbie opens his Christmas in July present: nationality beanie babies
- Ronin calls in, reporting on his “medical incident”
- Herbie draws storyboards… for Cartoon Network -
- Yappy Fox has a very wrong idea of what a “family restroom” is
- The “Tigger trial” is discussed
- According to Herbie, Disney spells Magic M-O-N-E-Y…
- Alex's Lemonade Stand is mentioned by Ezra
- Bandit “attacks” Bitch Voop… OrkOrkOrk!
- Kuddlepup reports from a “PC scrabble tournament”
- Spits or swallows: Hard candy
- Herbie announces that he reduces the price for his CD
- JackRabbit calls in and talks about his car
- Strawberry makes a guest appearance during a TMBG song
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Dale coming out of a porta-potty
- Poink's car
Videos shown
- Fluff and Such: “Ding Fries are Done” video with Uncle Kage
- Several attempts to show a “stupid human tricks” video from Ronin fail… and fail… and fail… and yes… imitating sounds from Star Trek (Originally aired on Episode 204)
- Hey Ya! Charlie Brown Style
- Southpaw Video Productions: I'm so happy when you're near
- Southpaw Video Productions: That little sports car
- Wonderbug intro and excerpt
- Pawpets SouthWest: Believe in Myself
- EF Pawpet-Trailer: The Phantom of the Pawpet Show
- Fluff and Such: If I had a million Dollar
- Fluff and Such: Uncle Kage singing Christmas song
- Fluff and Such: “Ding Fries are Done” video with Uncle Kage - again
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Bandit behave! Don't leave a nugget over there! Bad boy!”
episodes/episode_218.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by