Table of Contents
Episode: 230
Airdate: Nov 28, 2004 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Five year anniversary
Show Highlights
- Crappy Doo has huuuuuge eyes.
- Snoodles gets salted
- Favorite shows are discussed
- BJButtons is made out as the only viewer that's been there since Epiosode 1.
- Since Herbie is always complaining that no souce is hot enough the cast brings in several extreme ones to try, and…
- The hot souce was so hot, even Crappy Doo lost his voice
name? (from PPNC) calls in
- Rummage asks whether to drop the “PG-13” and go “R” and the audience wants to keep it PG.
- Rumamge answers “Do you hate…” questions from the channel
- The firealarm goes off in the kitchen as the staff tries to prepare pizza
- Mutt tells us about the IAAPO(
sp?) convention
- Mutt talks about falling asleep at the wheel and in a roller coaster
- Crappy Doo and four Jar Jar's perform “Manah Manah”
- Simba does “Manah Manah” and sings “Ding fries are done” on helium
- Herbie stabs his birthday cake during the closing credits.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets as parade balloons
- Caption: Larva being removed from an eye1)
Videos shown
- Pawpet music vide: “Colors of the wind” Pawpets SouthWest
- Cute little baby video: “Cassy Nonsanity”
- Fluff and Such: Uncle Kage “Ding fries are done”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Simba thanking everybody2)
episodes/episode_230.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by