Table of Contents
Episode: 243
Airdate: Mar 27, 2005 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Easter 2005
Show Highlights
- Poink appears as a bunny… and drops some eggs!
- Peeps in the Microwave
- Peep flambé
- Liesl does the Peep Challenge for the first time…
- …and closes with “I'm never going to eat another peep again!”
- Peep death by Bandit
- Bunny death by straw
- Peep death by grill
- Movie Talk: Star Wars III
- Simba does a quick impression of T2 when everybody is talking about the lava scene in Star Wars III
- Peep death by boiling water
- Bunny/peep death by frying
- Peep death by scissors
- Peep death by blender
- Peep death by egg beater… fail!
- Peep death by hand mixer… fail-ish
- Bunny death by ?
- Bunny death by garbage disposal
- Movie talk: The Ring II
- Peep death by guillotine shears
- Peep death by tinfoil + hammer
- Peep death by gunpowder… fail!
- Scream Guy has two hands for a change and some difficulties controlling them…
- Bunny death by Firecracker… semi-fail
- Peep death by 100W light bulb… slooooow-semi-fail!
- Peep death: electrical socket - sparks!
- Peep death: Dremel!
- Peep death: electrical wire + vinegar… fail.
- Simba is having fun with Darth Tader's face - bit by bit
- Fun with freeze frame and “staring at the audience”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: big eyed animal (
what animal?)
- “Chocolate bunny death” or “Pawpet Easter gone wrong”
Videos shown
- Chocolate Bunny Death: bunny + oven (Bungee Skunk)1)
- Chocolate Bunny Death: peeps + blow torch (?)
- Star Wars Episode III - parody trailer
- Chocolate Bunny Death: bunny + rubbing alcohol (Nonsanity)
- Chocolate Bunny Death: peep + alcohol (Nonsanity)
- “The itallian job” roller coaster animation
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by sport (Chili)
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Bonfire of the peeps (Nonsanity)
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Gas
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Laser beam
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Gun (2 Gryphon)
Total peep count
- 15 purple peeps
- 35 blue peeps
- 30 yellow peeps
- 1 small bunny
- 7 large bunnies
- 15 pink bunnies
- 16 bunny peeps
- 1 lamb
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “We're losing control over here…”2)
episodes/episode_243.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by