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Episode: 250

Airdate: Jun 05, 2005  [Download] [Artjams and other files ]

250 Freakin' Episodes!




  • Louann (Jess' friend)
  • Colley

Show Highlights

  • The show starts with the old intro and a “Thirty seconds ago in a living room far, far away…” insert
  • There's a big “250” on the stage and Mutt already wonders what they are about to do on Episode 420.
  • Poink comes up with googly eyes and a shaven head…
  • Mutt mentiones that by the end of the show, there'll be 1000 hours of FPS - he seem to have forgotten tha one 8-hour episode - Episode 57 - which makes 1000 hours at the beginning of this show.
  • Yappy Fox buzz-cuts Poink's fur…
  • …after which Poink announces that he's leaving - taking a break from the show
  • Todd has bling! It blinks! (a led moving letter display saying 'FUNDAY')
  • Audio troubles: The first few music cues are clipped and the left channel cuts in and out all through the show.
  • The Peckers get a male blue pecker that makes Blueberry scream
  • Mutt fights with Bandit for Carrot
  • Crappy Doo does an impression of Mickey Mouse
  • Mutt tells us about the Orlando gay days
  • Movie talk: Bambi II, Shrek II, Madagascar
  • Yappy Fox and Rasvar mention that they need about 500$ for a new mixer and Java says “Well, looks we have another 250 to go!”
  • Java watches crazy frog for the first time and we can see his reaction
  • Mach and Mutt got into a SIG about BDSM… and relay the info.
  • The JR the Hutt saga ends with JR in bed with Poink! Or does it?.....
  • …and Poink hangs himself for it
  • 2's Pawpet song is played
  • Poink poots and the sign falls off the stage (again)
  • Fudge for the Pink Flamingo Challange with Louann, Colley and Herbie who is overly enthusiastic about it.
  • MiniRandy performs a song (FIXME title) in front of the US-flag
  • The cast members reflect about their memories of the show…
  • Yappy's bedsheet, complete with stains1), returns!
  • The download is cut off two minutes early…

Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description

  • Show 250 - a pawpet celebration
  • Caption: Dog peeking out of a wall

Videos shown

  • Pawpets SouthWest (audio-fail at first) Malaguena Salerosa Chingon Cortez - Hitomi
  • “Happy Days 2005” footage from Magic Kingdom
  • Mr. Otto in Olympics
  • Flash version of William Shatner “singing” Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
  • Fabulous Secret Powers - Gay Masters of the Universe

"Last Words" (and Actions)

  • Poink “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!”
  • Ezra “You look like one of those ugly greeting cards!”
  • Poink “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”
  • Meanwhile Little Yappy makes out with MiniRandy and both disappear behind the stage.
from the ceiling fan he says
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