Table of Contents
Episode: 256
Airdate: Jul 31, 2005 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
- SK-1
Show Highlights
- The first show to have the horizontal “Funday Pawpet Show” banner on stage.
- JackRabbit cooks. Chili - from a can… with spaghetti?
- Mutt gets fished out of the fishtank and thrown in again…
- SK-1 presents the skunk puppet he's working on.
- A snake finds its way to the studio…
- Rasvar talks about his upcoming road trip.
- Rasvar brings up a “Scat and Tracks” book… which brings up the “poo” subject
- Kuddlepup lines up the different magic 8-balls on stage
- Herbie tries to wrap his mind around h.264 and mpeg4
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Beer lost on a road
- Pawpets under water
Videos shown
- “Party hard” animation
- “Cotton Eye Joe” animation
- Fixme: title? - clay-motion music video
- Pencil test animation - ???
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Starberry “Ezra got tape on his butt!” (
name unclear)
- Ezra “Wow!”
episodes/episode_256.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by