Table of Contents
Episode: 261
Airdate: Sep 04, 2005 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TMJR - Too Much JR!
Show Highlights
- Rasvar is preparing steaks and munches on the salad
- Arthur and Crappy Doo appear together at the same time - although Simba has a hard time operating the mic at the same time…
- Rasvars steaks put everybody in a food coma
- The cast ponders re-doing the “dinner night”
- As JackRabbit hands a memory card to Yappy Fox, who finds an… interesting… picture on it. This is just about the only picture of a cast member that HAD to be censored by Yappy Fox…
- Ezra comes up with a Teletubby hat as mouth mask - and puts it on Lilly Voop as she asks about it
- Cow gets some eyes…
- Ezra is creeped out and somewhat lost as JackRabbit streaks across the stage…
- …which prompts a performance of “blinded by the light” (Java playing the guitar)
- Ezra initiates a “Poot-Drill”
(name?) calls in and talks about hurricane Katrina
- The show ends with “What a wonderful world” instead of the usual closing credit song.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets with alternate fuel sources
- Caption: Weird looking animal
Videos shown
- “The first drink of the day” - monkey video
title: Beatles song
title: ?? “AM Radio?” rap…
- Bambi in IRC-speak subtitles
- iPod commercial spoof with Florence from http://freefall.purrsia.com
- Cotton Eye Joe - pencil animation
- PacMan cereal commercial
- Disney's Circuis Fantasy commercial ('86)
- Dragon Blaster Skeletor commercial
- Go-Bots commercial
- Dance fever commercial
- Kylie Minoque - Come into my world
song title @3:06
- Greenday - Holiday
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Everybody “Performing to 'what a wonderful world'”
episodes/episode_261.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by