Table of Contents
Episode: 275
Airdate: Jan 08, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
names, Camel and Camel Sheikh
- Strawberry, Blueberry, Poisonberry, ?berry, ?berry - actually five of them.
Show Highlights
- It is coooold in Florida… Everybody has to wear TWO whole layers of clothing!
- Eagle Beagle covers up Liesl
- Uncle Kage announces that he's collecting donations for his parents to go to EuroFurence
- Yappy Fox announces that he would give up everything to go to Narnia… Even sex? Then why go?
- Mutt asks: “If you had an exact clone of yourself, would you have sex with yourself…”
- Strawberry is in the grill!
- Movie talk: Hostile and Brokeback Mountain (which Herbie calls “Bareback Mountain”)
- Uncle Kage calls in and tells a better camel joke than Scritch and the camels are offended
- Mutt calls (
name?) in Canada, who is working on “Happy Tree Friends”
- Kuddlepup advertises space in the Megaplex con-book for sale
- The Peckers do a music performance.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- What Pawpets buy on ebay
- Caption: Baby hippo and giant turtle
Videos shown
- ebay (Weird al song, custom video?)
- Lazy Sunday
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Whoo!” everybody “mumble”
episodes/episode_275.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by