Table of Contents
Episode: 293
Airdate: Jun 04, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Rasvar is gone
- Bulldog
- DukeFawks
- Concord
Show Highlights
- We get a tour of Yappy Fox's house as he has cleaned most of it and has rearranged the living room: HD projector for Pink Flamingos
- After the “Living Stereo” video, Yappy Fox plays several THX trailers and stereo heavy music
- Yappy Fox tested the “brown note”
- Spider is creeped out by the bulldog
- Stars on 45 - performance by various puppets
- Eagle Beagle and Simba worked for CARE and tell about it
- Liesl pooted… or was it the duck?
- Pink Flamingos (first time on the projection system)
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Eagle Beagle day
- Caption: Dog stuck in vet door
Videos shown
- Social Courtesy
- Cinema intro - clay mation
- Mind your manners!
- Music Video: E.T. game…(
- RCA Victor announces: Living Stereo!
- A TimberWolf in sheeps clothings
- BungeeSkunk - Video shout out
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “Can I borrow a Condom?” (while kissing Lilly)
episodes/episode_293.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by