Table of Contents
Episode: 377
Airdate: Jun 08, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The Manergy Crisis
Show Highlights
- During peak oil prices, to emphasize the energy crisis, the cast cuts the budget and opens the show with paper bag hand puppets and a no-budget stage sign.
- Yappy Fox plays various streaming music stations, including “DeeGay Radio”
- Paper-Ezra disintegrates rapidly…
- To honor the passing of Fred Baur, inventor of the Pringles can, several cans of Pringles are devoured over four hours
- Ezra… or somebody… posts to his livejournal.
- Hugh Manatee performs the timewarp!
- Fox McCloud calls in and talks about AC
- Rick Roll by Chocolate Rain Guy
- Movie-Talk: Kung Fu Panda
- Yappy Fox discusses how he wants to get a scooter or bike to save on fuel costs.
- Some talk about economics and politics!
Videos shown
- The cheese incident
- Rick Roll by Chocolate Rain Guy
- Music video:
title @ 58:00
what? @ 1:00:30
what? @ 1:02:10
- Pawpet Music Video: What hurts the most - PA Pets
- Simon's Cat: Let me in
- Pencil Animation: I'm havin' a party (
real title @ 1:11:30)
- Music video:
title @ 2:14:45
- Silly string attack - SigmaWolf
- Hugo, the cat of 1000 faces, Episode I
- Hugo, the cat of 1000 faces, Episode II
- Hugo, Star Wars special (Episode III)
- Fursuiting party video
title @ 3:50:00
Ass beating hour
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “I never wanna see a Pringle again!”
episodes/episode_377.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by