Table of Contents
Episode: 378
Airdate: Jun 15, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
- Oreo (Subservient)
- Jouva
Show Highlights
- Lilly Voop tries to keep her feet away from the UPS
- The cast discusses all the cheap “as seen on TV” things to help do “womens work” as Poink put it: tiny sewing machines, butteneers,…
- Hugh Manatee wears a blond wig
- JackRabbit has a problem keeping Bandit away from his cookie
- Pawpet make out music!
- Ezra is sorry for giving out the show's URL in his bakery…
- “Horny Manatee.com” is shown
- “Screeeeeeeeee!” sound effect… or broken audio file.
- Yappy Fox prepared some Oreo cookies for Oreo but Jouva ate them before the show…
- Oreo gets the Pizza!
- The “Hugh, the manatee” song is played…
- Movie Talk: The happening - it happened to Ezra
- Oreo gets interviewed
- We learn that the dog of Yappy Fox's parents is called FSBO (“fisbo”) and it is an acronym for “For Sale By Owner”
- Todd performs “Dear Penis”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Squirrels eating a slice of pizza
Videos shown
- Music Video: La paloma blanca
- Music Video: I love the nightlife
- Music Video: Knock on wood
- Music Video: Fire (
title? @34:50)
- Romance-a-tee
- Music Video:
title @ 1:35:00
- Pawpet News, Episode 1 - Atkelar
- Warriors of the Net
- William Shatner - Has Been
- Manatee song (
title @ 2:25:00)
- Billy Brown
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Where's that techno chick-a-chick-a-mow-mow thing…”
episodes/episode_378.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by