Table of Contents
Episode: 382
Airdate: Jul 20, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
- Schadenfreude (Subservient)
name? @ 2:56:00 (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The show opens with a jar of majo on the stage
- …after the “Testicular cancer” PSAs, the cast “checks”
- An excursion to YouTube ends up with Yappy Fox finding x-tube
- After a song performance, Audrey is naked
- Movie-Talk: The Dark Knight
- Poink gets helping hands!
- …which leads to “subservient Poink's hands”
- The “Addams Family” theme song gets a bit “out of hand”
- Yappy Fox realizes he has a file called “Kagecock” on his computer
- Silend Movie Pawpets!
- The cast sings to techno music
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Big faced fox
Videos shown
- Hogan's heros: Jell-o commercial
title @ 19:00 dance/variety act including JD Puppy,… hosted by KuddlePup
title @ 26:00 anime video mesh up to “Frozen”
- “Be a man, self exam” PSA with skates…
- “Be a man, self exam” PSA with doctor explaining…
- McDonalds commercial… featuring a Klingon warrior
- “I am Man!” Burger King commercial
- PuppetKaraoke…
title @ 56:00
- Dragonfire commercial
- Crispy Critters commercial
title @ 1:01:00 (cereal commercial)
- Old Cap'n Crunch commercials
- Kool-Aid commercials
- Tang commercial
- Pretty Donkey
- Jell-o Pudding Pops commercials
- Rube Goldberg machine
- Pool Billards + Dominos
- Rube Goldberg machine
- Uncle Kage Story Hour - Hitchcock intro
Ass beating hour
- Ferros
sp? ate butter
- Hondo pushed his brother through a window
- Lilly Voop dropped a glass of spaghetti sauce… and got two for one as her sister cut her foot on a piece of glass
- Poink hid a box of cereal in a coffee maker
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “They need a new coney island!”
episodes/episode_382.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by