Table of Contents
Episode: 383
Airdate: Jul 27, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Christmas in July 2008
A.k.a: “Holy Jingle Crap” and “XXX-mas in July 2008”
Show Highlights
- The sloppy show sign from Episode 377 is re-used
- Poink enters the stage with his Santa hat pulled down to waist line and everybody else joins in
- Herbie just got his bike the day before
- A line is put up on the stage to keep Poink on his side of the stage…
- …but her mind changes quickly as Yappy Fox brings out the massage device from Episode 336
- Poink gets a massage…
- …and JackRabbit joins in atop of Liesl.
- Liesl got some Dr.Who stuff
- Movie Talk: The dark knight, Jurney to the center of the earth
- Lilly Voop loves Indiana Jones… for the whip!
- Impromptu a capella performance of “Santa Baby” by Lilly Voop and the gang
- …which ends up in other songs, including “row your boat”…
- …and end up in Hugh Manatee singing the roll call
- The cast goes “aawwwww” in unison as Yappy Fox mentions that he was a cub-scout
- The pinewood derby cars take a turn onto memory lane…
- …and Ezra wants to turn it into an event at MegaPlex
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: A group of hounds with a fox hiding amongst them…
- …changed to: A beagle looking out through an acrylic bubble in a fence
- Pawpet Christmas presents
Videos shown
- It's called epMotion - music video/commercial
- SeaWorld: Manatee rescue commercial
- CompUSA commercial (cut short)
- Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer (
- WIP: Lollipop animation preview by Snapai
title @ 1:35:00
- The price is right clip
- Burger King commercials
- Batman and Robin meet Col. Klink
- Dominik the Donkey
- I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
- PES: Western Spaghetti
- PES: Nuclear Attack
- PES: Skateboarding
- Burger Chef animated commercial
- Guitar Player
title @ 3:47:00
"Last Words" (and Actions)
episodes/episode_383.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by