Table of Contents
Episode: 391
Airdate: Oct 12, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Birthday in October!
tiny lion after show start?
mouse @ 1:38:00
- Chilly
- Barley (Subservient)
- JackRabbit (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Johnny Mantis realizes that he can type - and act as a matrix printer!
- Hugh Manatee is wearing a burgler mask but there's no tacos around
- Who's line is it? (Lilly or Poink)
- Löwenbräu has trouble understanding “Koala Changing Station”
- A streamer gets cought in the ceiling fan and Bandit goes berserk!
- The cast tries to find out sexy male and female singing voices
- JackRabbit gets his partial fursuit for his birthday and introduces it during subservience
- YappyFox jokes about killing off the show and the channel goes wild!
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- JR's and KP's birthday / Pawpets and their weird phobias
Videos shown
- Triumph the insult dog at San Diego Comic Con
- “Burn after reading” trailer (Dr. Who)
- Hippo playing the bagpipes… or rather a dog
- Highly Illogical (cut short)
- WaMu banking commercial (featuring kangaroos)
show title @ 54:00
- The Wizard of speed and time
- Mouse Mania
- Rockoons
- Pinky and Brain intro (in German!)
- Groovy Goolies intro
- Pawpet News: Episode 2 - Atkelar
- Electric Typewriter demonstration
- “Eggs”
- Sandoz and the plush bunny (MST3k)
- Tron Guy talks about his costume
- Ferret biting a coke can
- Ferret stealing ferret treats
- Ferret stealing pringles can
- McDonalds Anime
- Maxwell's silver hammer - Animation
- The day the squirrel went berserk
- Music Video: Vuja De
- Lion King mesh up with “Shipoopi”
??? @ 3:30:30
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh “I want a taco!”
- Liesl “Oh no…”
- Mouse “Taco! tacotacotaco”
- Ezra “Chalupa!”
episodes/episode_391.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by