Table of Contents
Episode: 392
Airdate: Oct 19, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
sheepdog @ 3:59:00
- Kellog the Collie (Subservient)
who else?
Show Highlights
- There's “fart-boxing” going on throughout the intro
- Liesel names her new iPod - and the cast wonders what she names her toys…
- The cast wonders what the other's middle names are.
- Annoying commercials are discussed
- Spits or Swallows: Sauerkraut Drink from the United Wolves of Europe(also responsible for the infamous Cheeseburger-in-a-Can). Simba loves it! JR hates it. Also: KuddlePup's “Expensive Apple Juice”
- We get to see the “six phases of work” as seen through eyes of cats who work at a record store.
- JR's Birthday Cake, swimming in rum! It was delicious.
- JackRabbit takes a taste of the candle that is NOT placed on his birthday cake to avoid setting it ablaze
- The cast discusses “bird flu”…
- Hugh Manatee sings different lyrics to other songs
- Lilly Voop mentions that she doesn't know any Meatloaf song… and so Poink has to re-do “paradise by the dashboard lights” for her (See Epsiode 212)
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: A drawing of the creepy clown from Episode 366
Videos shown
title @ 1:07:00
title @ 1:10:45
title @ 1:10:45
- Music Video: “My Name is Lenny” (From the Spimpsons)
animation title @ 1:16:20
- The Last Unicorn - title sequence
- Hot Tamale - animation
- Barley goes skating
- “Knut” song
- “The worst fursuit video ever”
- Lion cub and Ferret
- Schlitz Malt Liquer
- Southpark - school fight
- Watch “Now You See It” - commercial
- Rocky Raccoon - animation
- Doggy playing fetch with a robot
- deep fried… something or other
- Pigs… with Hitler… animated music video
title @ 2:13:00
- Gilligan's Planet intro - in German
- Pizza Hut commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh “Bababooie Bababooie Bababooie”
- Ezra “Oh Chalupa!”
episodes/episode_392.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by