Table of Contents
Episode: 394
Airdate: Nov 02, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
name @ 1:19:00 (Subservient)
name @ 1:42:00
- Huskers (Subservient)
- Ranger (Subservient)
- Geisha (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- There are life-sized cardboard cutouts of a gladiator, a girl with a basket (a.k.a. “Jailbait”) and others around the house.
- Ezra calls for a bloop-count
- Yappy Fox sets up an account with Pizza Hut
- A picture of topless Simba from Furloween is shown
- Liesl gets a birthday package from Australia… and Eagle Beagle wracks one of them in under a minute
name @ 1:42:00 gets interviewed and a taste test of durian
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpet Cutouts
Videos shown
- Music Video:
title @ 17:55 (slow-motion)
- Music Video: Kiss
- Music Video: I want your sex
- Music Video:
title @1:14:00
- Music Video: Pass the Dutchie
- Music Video:
title @ 1:17:00
- Music Video: Holly Dolly sings “Don't worry be happy”
- Snoopie vs. the Red Baron - with RC planes
- Music Video: Ouch!
video @ 2:00:30
Animated commercial @ 2:01:10
animated clip @ 2:02:00
title @ 2:04:00
- Fox running around the room
- The fox and the raccoon - animation
- Der Babysitter Boogie - BBF
- “The Fox Busters” (Trailer)
- “The musical genius of Mozart McFiddle”
- Music Video:
title @ 3:26:30
title @ 3:42:00 (Scary faces)
- Segway in the snow (re-run from Episode 229)
- “Ding Fries are done” with Uncle Kage - Fluff and Such
- Pawpet Music Video: Beside you - Fluff and Such
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink and Ezra “MOOO!” in the direction of Hugh
episodes/episode_394.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by