Table of Contents
Episode: 415
Airdate: May 03, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Swine Flu 80's revival
- Ace (Subservient)
- Fairly Random
- Windsor (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Show starts off with the wrong (old) intro. The channel freaks out, saying “Not ANOTHER rerun!”
- Cast appears wearing masks due to swine flu
- German show logo “Die Spaßtagtatze-Haustiervorführung”3) gets draped over the stage - although a better translation would be “Spaßtag Pfotenhaustiervorführung” as there is no “the” in the original sign and “Tatze” is more like “prank” and “Pfote” is more like “paw”.
- Ace does the “spits or swallows” special. A “Garlic-Cheese-Chocolate Chip Cookie” made up by KuddlePup
- Ezra gets stuck on the duct tape that holds up the German sign - and he tapes Hugh Manatee's lips for laughing at him.
- Several 80's bands were examined for their “sexual identity”
- Hugh Manatee “smurfs”
- Ezra and Hugh Manatee declare rule 34 on Smurfs…
- Bandit gets drawn
- Stagehands turn Hugh Manatee into a pretzel
- Ezra smooches Hugh Manatee - after KuddlePup asks Brace Bear whether he's going to “come out tonight”…
- Yappy Fox plays a 911 call with a lady complaining about her McNuggets…
- The cast and guests discuss British royalty
- Poink tells about how he kissed a girl…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets as 80's pop-band idols
Videos shown
- William Shatner as he sees the trailer to Star Trek 11
- Husky “singing” along to “The sweet escape”
- Commercial for “fat food”? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-6n0jlN0Eo&NR=1
- Dennis after the dentis + Zorlak voice over - leading to http://archives.pawpet.tv/view/2009/2009-05-03/,Reynolds-Poink_Questions_Reality.jpg
- Zorlak + Ferret
- Zorlak in New York
- Music video: The theme to “Never Ending Story”
- Music video: I Ran
- Music Video: Don't you want me
- Music Video: Our House
- Music Video: I wanna be sedated
- Music Video: Safety Dance
- David Bowie: Modern love
- Bea Arthur “best of”
- Smurfs-clip
- Commercial for Wine Gummies - Scottish guy…
- 911 call for McNuggets
- Hamster commercial “Kia Soul”
- “Micky Mouse Dance”
- Toothpaste Commercial
- Husky sings to “Sweet escape”
- Wild Dogs animation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn2qepWagbc
- FWA 2009 Memories by Wild`Bill`TX http://www.youtube.com/user/wildbilltexas
- Jabberwocky on rules
- Beatles: Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts club
- Um Bongo commercial
- Banking 101 (tvdays.com)
- “Quavers” commercial
- Light + fruits (tvdays.com)
- 747 commercial (tvdays.com)
- Cat morse
- Moo & Oink BBQ commercial
- Milky Way commercial with “Cars”
- Cody Coyote: commercial recording session http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQseTKHPAOY
- FIC (Federal Information Center) can help animation
- Beer commercial
Title @ 3:25:30 ?Brewer's Gold?
- K9 front
Ass beating hour
- Poink asks his mom if she needed douche powder
- Poink melts his Grandma's lipsticks
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh “
4)And I'm too endangered - AAAAHHHHH!” (Jumping off the stage)
episodes/episode_415.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by