Table of Contents
Episode: 416
Airdate: May 10, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]To boldly go where neither Trekkies nor Furries have gone before
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Show Highlights
- Show starts with the German banner
- The cast went to see the new Star Trek movie
- Yappy Fox plays various versions of Star Trek music
- Pawpets get high on a marker - which gets used by Yappy Fox to remove the “roots of Melody's hair”
- Scritch discovers how to build a pyramid out of poop
- A discussion about pimped rides (ranging from Segways to wheelchairs) causes much laughter
- KuddlePup plays Madlibs with the cast, later with the channel (picking from the already typed lines)
- Simba shows off his injured finger… smashed under a treadmill
- Hugh Manatee channeles Poink
- http://www.stilltasty.com - how long does food stuff stay good?
- Hugh Manatee gets much abuse (spanking and beebling) from Johnny Mantis and the stage hands who also give him a prostate exam…
- Ezra plays “Hang-a-roo”…
- The cast discusses “places to do it” in Disney World…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Paw Trek / Funday Trek
Videos shown
Instead of a single video/dinner break, videoes were shown here and there throughout the show.
- SNL Interview with Star Trek cast, featuring Leonard Nimoy
- Acid Flashback: Star Trekkin' (TODO verify?) Episode 200
- Acid Flashback: First episode clips Episode 1
- Music Video: “Throw a Kit” by Hollywood Holt
- Spinners on a bike
- Music Video: Rap Chop
- Dom Deluise & Miss Piggy on The Muppet Show.
- Caroll O'Connor sings
- Trailer: Frog Princess
- Turkish (
language?) Star Trek
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra (to Poink) “Why did you bring out Tinkerbitch?”
episodes/episode_416.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by