Table of Contents
Episode: 417
Airdate: May 17, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Episode: 417
- Scruffy dog @ 2:01:00
- white puppy dog (2:05 hours in)
- Monkey
- Pets.com spokesdog
Show Highlights
- Rummage still wears the swine flu mask (See Episode 415) becuase Bandit had a bowl of chilli the day before
- Ezra helped his mom pick out bathroom tiles: “Queer eye for the straight mom”
- Hugh Manatee arrives late.
- Hugh Manatee must be the only one who doesn't know “will it blend”…
- Hugh Manatee describes his experiences with the local cable guy…
- Hugh Manatee jumps off the stage for a chalupa
- The cast discusses furries going to restaurants.
- Poink describes how he and some of his buddies raided paper machines.
- Ezra is zoned out by the Green Acres video
- Poink farts in the kitchen
- Ezra dances to “Jitterbug”
- Ezra tries to sing to “Careless whispers”
- 'The Beatle Barkers': Beatles songs sung by dogs – “We Can Wag it Out” and “I Wanna Hold your Paw”
- “Norwegian Wood” sung to the tune of “Mission Impossible”
- Yappy Fox gets “a non-Yappy related phone call” during the show.
- Ezra takes over the console and plays “Bananaphone” for Hugh Manatee and several other songs for Monkey
- Yappy Fox uses the infamous magnum marker to censor the show…
- The cast discovers that they are coming up on AARP benefits
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Will it blend?
- God's Computer/Desktop
- Ezra at Home Depot
Videos shown
- Windows vs. Mac startup sounds in the library
- Will it blend? iPhone 3G
- Put pork on your fork1)
- Hamburger commercial “WHHAAAATT???”
- “A Day in the Life of Green Acres” - Theme to GA sung to the tune of “A Day in the Life.
- Coon - Australian cheese commercial
- 3D-Animation: “Rocket Fox”
- PAN - Dancing animation
- Music Video: Nickelodeon
Music Video: @1:30:00 McCartney title?
- Music Video: Born to be alive
- Music Video: Blame it on the boogie
- Music Video: The lion sleeps tonight
- Music Video: The sweet escape
- Music Video: Come on Ilene
real title? @ 1:54:30 “Big Headed Salt-shaker People?”
- How to “Dance like a white guy”
- Star Trekkin'
- “Emergency + 4” cartoon intro
- Swine-Flu video with “We didn't start the fire” music
- I'm not an animal (Animation)
- Star Trek “Report”
- Sock puppet bailout, featuring pets.com spokesdog
- several pets.com commercials
- “Don't wizz on the electric fence”
- Star Wars, done to the Dallas theme music
- Skank - Sock-puppet sitcom parody
- Bosom Buddies - Intro
- Family Guy: “Everything's better with a bag of weed”
Ass beating hour
Nutshot of the week
- “Best of” video of guys getting hit in the crotch
- Guy shooting himself in the groin with a paintball gun
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh “AAahhhhhhh” (while jumping off the stage…)
or so
episodes/episode_417.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by