Table of Contents
Episode: 418
Airdate: May 24, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Return of the Prodigal Shark, Ferret, Vixen and Rasvar
- Flipper
- Apollo
- Rasvar
- Anubi (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Show starts off with the Seal of disapproval ork'ing at Poink in an obvious display of foresight.
- Flipper, the show's guest, prompts pondering over ancient TV-shows and movie series.
- Somehow the conversation homes in on Dolphin “thingies” within the first 15 minutes…
- …which leads to talk about “exotic food”
- Scritch wants to be called “Stitch” now… because he's falling apart at the seam.
- Poink sings to some of Elvis' tunes
- Garrison helps Yappy identify his earworm of the week - Paul McCartney & Wings's “Coming Up”.
- The possible playlist for the upcoming “420” show is discussed.
- Mutt does a call-in
- Lilly Voop makes a re-appearance
- The Star Trek movie is discussed.
- Shak makes a re-appearance
- Yappy Fox realizes that the entire cast on screen smells like fish… Flipper, Hugh Manatee, Shak and… Lilly Voop?!
- Hugh Manatee discovers that - with his goodyear stickers - he looks like the pope from behind: Pope-Hugh-Manatee.
- Rasvar being chased by the subservient Anubi… creepy. Funny but creepy.
- Liesl reads the roll call and nobody notices that the stage is empty for the entire time
- Someone in channel thinks Rasvar and Terry are the same person, so we get a direct comparison.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: A child feeding a roo that is currently… ummm… busy.
- Dolphin
- Bad roads
- Civil war reconstruction was neither civil nor constructive DISCCUS
Videos shown
- Music Video: Coming Up - Paul McCartney (who plays all but two of the band members)
- Beatles cartoon
- “Paperback Writer” video
- Mattel - toy gun commercial
- Animated Cough Drops commercial featuring a hunter
- Zoologist as part of a lion pride
- Once upon a girl - Trailer
- Corn Pops commercial
- Rice criepies commercial
- Poink's death from Episode 165 with the original audio
- “Mouse”
- WildWolf on ice… at a hockey game
- Mascots at a basketball game
- Japanese commercial featuring a squirrel
- NBCSee Us
- Surprise party commercial
- Special K commercial
- Rotodraw commercial
- Musical Drive Through order http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uwY3sjqYX0
- Reese's Pieces commercial
- Loop-a-lot
(name correct @ 3:20:30)) commercial
- Funny Bones commercial
- Kellogs commercial
(strange commecial for tapes, maybe? @ 3:24:30)
- Car cleaning product commercial
- “Make Room For Granddaddy” teaser - a sequel to his 50s sitcom “Make Room For Daddy”.
- Anti smoking ad
- Strange ready-to-eat dinner commercial
real title @ 3:38:00
Nut shots of the week
- Brother + Sister + Baseball bat
- Propane tank + Plank + Blindfolded friend
- Guitar Hero with a kick
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Rasvar “One last time!” - Hugh “Not meeeee!”
Who else?
episodes/episode_418.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by