Table of Contents
Episode: 422
Airdate: Jul 12, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]PCD antidote
- Fuji (Foofie)
Show Highlights
- UncleKage calls in and the cast discusses this year's AC
- Somebody in channel asks whether there's a show this week… half an hour into the show.
- Movie Talk: Brüno
- Old videos coming back to haunt you… or Yappy Fox in particular.
- Mutt coins the phrase “We'll put a pin in it” (as seen in “Bolt”)
- KuddlePup dissects cookies.
- Fuji (a.k.a. Foofie) get's interviewed
- Wrong things to ask… Featuring Poink: “What's Goatse?”
- The cast discusses their most liked and hated Weird Al songs.
- Mutt gives the audience a glimpse at what it looks like from behind the stage.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets as Rocky Horror
Videos shown
- Yappy's Earworm: You
- SOUR '日々の音色 (Hibi no neiro)'
- “Phone call video” with split screen effect gone wrong
- Jealous mirror
- AC news report Channel 4 (WTAE Pittsburgh)
- AC news report CNN
- Split-screen music video
- Music Performance - “I'm sex-changing”
- Across The Universe clip
- Heinz Ketchup commercial
- Zimmy The Zales Cat - commercial
- Cains Mayonnaise commercial
- “Numbers” spoof - 7 8 9
- “Yellow Submarine”
- Foxes running up the camera
- Crazy Frog video with two kids
- Yappy Fox shows a video he made in Highschool
- Vega dances… AC fursuit dance competition1)
- Sinatra dances… AC fursuit dance competition2)
- Acrobatics dance
title/performers @ 2:06:30
- “1-2-3-4 I love you” Budweiser commercial
- Upstaged - Bunny + unicorn magician animation (Aniboom)
- What's a commercial
- Snowman gets a better breakfest
- Safety video?
- Bad mouthed Skunk + evil doctor
- Weird Al - Craigslist
Nutshot of the week
- Firework
Ass beating hour
- Hugh Manatee uses his grandmother's calling card to call europe… for 1000USD.
"Last Words" (and Actions)
episodes/episode_422.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by